Second part Tulip

You have managed to move forward, and with that, you could see that the place has a strange door at the end. You advance there, one by one follows your step, sings a lot while doing it. The door doesn't have a lock, so you just turn the hatch to open it. Outside is the train, the car looks smaller from there. You do not know what happens so you decide to go to the other car and enter.

You found a doggy village! They come up to you and between licks they talk to you. They talk! Their cibilization seems to be very advanced, they have their own houses, and now they are going to introduce you to their king.

King Artticus explains to you that he needs your help through your thumbs to open the door on the other side and destroy the monster that has damaged a large part of the village, as you have no problems with that, you agree to give him your help.

During your trip from car to car you noticed that the number on your hand dropped. What will that mean? What did you do to make it change?

The king is scared too, he had never seen a human before, much less did he know that his hand would shine. But one on one gets in the way, and he tries to explain

"The number is familiar to me"

"Oh yeah? But I don't remember"

"What are you talking about? We both know him, he has a reason"

"Reason? ... I know! Tuli!"

One was talking to one

"What's going on?" You answer them

"He lowered the number when you agreed to help out of good will, didn't he? I think that number will help you get out of here!"

They were calm, one less doubt approached them, but the monster of which the king spoke appeared, and shot without shame

They tried to flee, but the room would not let them open the door. 

If you ______ the right answers, the lock ______ activate.

choose/wud                              choosed/wold                       choose/would                     cheed/would